Letter Soup APKs
- Version:
- File size: Vwd
- Requires: Android
- Package Name: com.pmd.lettersoup
- Developer: PicTools
- Updated:
- Price: FREE
- Rate 0 stars – based on 10 reviews
Letter Soup
It is a classic game of words, where you will aim to find words, mixed in a soup of letters, as fast as possible, using your intelligence.
Fastest players will get more points, meet objectives and get 100% of achievements.
Achievements are separated by category:
Levels: you must complete 120 levels of difficulty
Stars: you must get 360 stars
Time: you will have to play a long time!
Episodes: can you complete all 6 episodes?
Letter Soup has an Arcade Mode of 6 Episodes, which vary to make the game more interesting.
Summer: It's a classic alphabet soup, you'll have to look for the words in the list, simple!
Autumn: Words are incomplete, it starts to get interesting!
Winter: Words are messy, try to find patterns so you do not waste time.
Spring: You only have the beginning and the end of each word, it starts to get difficult.
Sky: You have a dictionary nearby because you're going to need one!
Space: All the previous episodes mixed, you will have to make an effort.
You can also play a Quick Game, if you want to have some fun or practice for the arcade mode.
We hope you enjoy the game and we appreciate your rating!