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Media Library Apk

Media Library Vwd APKs

  • Version: Vwd
  • File size: Vwd
  • Requires: Android
  • Package Name: com.media.library
  • Developer: Master255
  • Updated: Sep 3, 2019
  • Price: $1.99
  • Rate 2.8 stars – based on 10 reviews
What's New?

The app will no longer be updated because Google is trying to cut functionality more and more each time they publish and impose their rules through increased bureaucracy. They require me to hire lawyers, keep a website, fill out some declarations, add extra resources to the app that will slow it down and worst of all - they dictate how to write code and what technologies to use. And if I don't comply with that, the publication is rejected.

Media Library App

1. Playback from a memory card, from other applications, from the Mega.nz cloud (50GB free), HTTP (IndexOf), HTTPS, FTP sites or Windows (Samba) directories;
2. A progressive streaming algorithm for playing media over the network (https://habr.com/ru/post/452766/);
3. Load and save playlists to a file. Supported formats: m3u, m3u8;
4. Supported playback formats: flac, aac, mp3, m4a (aac), avi, mp4, flv, mkv, mpeg, mpg, wmv, ogg, 3gp, webm;
5. Support for scrobbling everything listened to Last.FM (without additional modules);
6. Reading tags from already downloaded files;
7. Saving the playback position of the tracks;
8. Hardware equalizer, with automatic detection of the number of bands;
9. Visualization of music. Light music \ strobe flash camera (experimentally);
10. Horizontal and vertical operating modes. Tablet support;
11. Play in the background;
12. Support Android TV (Optimized for Sony TVs). Management: arrows, media buttons, color buttons: red, green, yellow, blue;
13. Demo sites with constantly updated music, clips and films;
14. Increase channel capacity using peer-to-peer technologies. NMDC protocol (experimental);
15. Experimental, smart mode 3g \ 4g. Turn on and off if necessary;

Articles dedicated to the application:
 - Android MediaPlayer. Expanding features with a proxy (https://habr.com/ru/post/241858/)
 - Progressive Streaming technology, or how to watch 4k video over the network, without friezes (https://habr.com/ru/post/452766/)
 - DoubleDomain and freedom (https://habr.com/ru/post/267329/)

Telegram - application chat: https://t.me/media_library

The application used a demo site. In your favorites you can add your sites.
Demo access at ftp://master255.org
login: user
password: 123

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