Vielen Dank fürs Aktualisieren! Mit diesem Update verbessern wir die Leistung Ihrer App, beheben Fehler und ergänzen neue Funktionen, um Ihr App-Erlebnis noch besser zu machen.
Showing permissions for all versions of this app
- Camera take pictures and videos.
- Microphone record audio.
- Other Google Play license check.
- Uncategorized receive data from Internet.
This app has access to:
change your audio settings.
control vibration.
full network access.
prevent device from sleeping.
reorder running apps.
run at startup.
view network connections.
How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
- Install "Split APKs Installer " and open it.
- Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
- Click "Select" button to start the installation process
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