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Google Play services Apk


Google Play services Vwd APKs (Vwd)

Showing permissions for all versions of this app

    This app has access to:

  • Location
  • approximate location (network-based).
    precise location (GPS and network-based).
  • Photos/Media/Files
  • modify or delete the contents of your USB storage.
    read the contents of your USB storage.
  • Camera
  • take pictures and videos.
  • Device & app history
  • read sensitive log data.
    retrieve running apps.
    retrieve system internal state.
  • Phone
  • add voicemail.
    directly call any phone numbers.
    directly call phone numbers.
    modify phone state.
    read call log.
    read phone status and identity.
    reroute outgoing calls.
    write call log.
  • Contacts
  • find accounts on the device.
    modify your contacts.
    read your contacts.
  • Microphone
  • record audio.
  • Wearable sensors/Activity data
  • body sensors (like heart rate monitors).
  • Device ID & call information
  • read phone status and identity.
  • Storage
  • modify or delete the contents of your USB storage.
    read the contents of your USB storage.
  • Wi-Fi connection information
  • view Wi-Fi connections.
  • Identity
  • add or remove accounts.
    find accounts on the device.
    modify your own contact card.
    read your own contact card.
  • SMS
  • read your text messages (SMS or MMS).
    receive text messages (MMS).
    receive text messages (SMS).
    send SMS messages.
  • Calendar
  • read calendar events plus confidential information.
  • Other
  • access Bluetooth settings.
    allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception.
    change network connectivity.
    change your audio settings.
    close other apps.
    connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi.
    control Near Field Communication.
    control flashlight.
    control vibration.
    create accounts and set passwords.
    disable your screen lock.
    draw over other apps.
    full network access.
    install shortcuts.
    make app always run.
    measure app storage space.
    modify system settings.
    pair with Bluetooth devices.
    prevent device from sleeping.
    read Google service configuration.
    read sync settings.
    reorder running apps.
    run at startup.
    send sticky broadcast.
    set time zone.
    toggle sync on and off.
    use accounts on the device.
    view network connections.
  • Uncategorized
  • Access download manager..
    Advanced download manager functions..
    Audio Routing.
    Broadcast XMPP messages to apps..
    Broadcast data messages to apps..
    Control displaying and hiding keyguard.
    Exchanges messages and receives sync notifications from Google servers..
    Google mail.
    Hotword detection.
    Interact with update and recovery system.
    Modify Google service configuration.
    Modify Google settings.
    Provide a trust agent..
    Read Google settings.
    Send broadcasts to Google Play..
    Send heartbeat to Google Talk server.
    YouTube usernames.
    access all Google services.
    access the cache filesystem.
    access to passwords for Google accounts.
    add or remove a device admin.
    allow Bluetooth pairing by Application.
    bind to a notification listener service.
    capture audio output.
    capture secure video output.
    capture video output.
    control media playback and metadata access.
    control system backup and restore.
    disable or modify status bar.
    download files without notification.
    enable or disable app components.
    force device reboot.
    interact across users.
    invoke the carrier-provided configuration app.
    listen for observations on network conditions.
    manage activity stacks.
    manage preferences and permissions for USB devices.
    manage users.
    manage voice keyphrases.
    modify app ops statistics.
    modify battery statistics.
    modify network usage accounting.
    modify secure system settings.
    modify the Google services map.
    provide an in-call user experience.
    read frame buffer.
    read historical network usage.
    read subscribed feeds.
    read sync statistics.
    read voicemail.
    read your social stream.
    receive data from Internet.
    reset display timeout.
    reset system to factory defaults.
    retrieve app ops statistics.
    retrieve running apps.
    score networks.
    select Gmail or Google Mail branding.
    set time.
    start a task from recents.
    update component usage statistics.
    view configured accounts.
    write subscribed feeds.
    write to your social stream.

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How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
  • Install "Split APKs Installer " and open it.
  • Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
  • Click "Select" button to start the installation process