»House & Home
»Domain - Buy, rent or sell property & real estate
What's new?
To help you become a local expert in the specific property market in which you are looking to buy, the Domain App Home Screen now delivers the most recent sold prices based on your search criteria.
The Domain App is continually improving!
With our new Onboarding flow we are welcoming first time users with a few quick questions so we can customise the App experience to suit user needs better than ever before.
Know your next move with the Domain App.
Showing permissions for all versions of this app
- Location approximate location (network-based).
- Contacts find accounts on the device.
- Identity find accounts on the device.
- Calendar add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owners' knowledge.
- Storage modify or delete the contents of your USB storage.
- Photos/Media/Files modify or delete the contents of your USB storage.
- Wi-Fi connection information view Wi-Fi connections.
- Camera take pictures and videos.
- Other control vibration.
- Uncategorized read sync statistics.
This app has access to:
precise location (GPS and network-based).
read your contacts.
read calendar events plus confidential information.
read the contents of your USB storage.
read the contents of your USB storage.
create accounts and set passwords.
full network access.
prevent device from sleeping.
read Google service configuration.
reorder running apps.
run at startup.
toggle sync on and off.
use accounts on the device.
view network connections.
receive data from Internet.
How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
- Install "Split APKs Installer " and open it.
- Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
- Click "Select" button to start the installation process
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